Russ, originally from The Isle of Wight is living in a shared flat on the edge of Dalston. His room has a smattering of items that reflect his love of music and his job that involves booking the best of the newest bands for The Old Blue last, in Shoreditch, London. And also being one of the people behind a successful club night called Fuck The White Board. Never brave enough myself to get a tattoo; he has two (that I can see) but the one that caught my eye and his most recent, is of a pretty impressive Galleon ship, courtesy of Liam Sparkes at Shangri-la Tattoo, London. 
I asked Russ, if his bedroom was on fire what one item would he save? ”I thought about this for sometime – at first I thought my vinyl copy of my favourite ever song, Dancing with tears in my eyes by Ultravox. It took me ages to get hold of a copy, but I suppose I could always replace it. So I decided on my bass guitar. I played in punk bands when I was younger and bought it off Ebay when I was 15. It’s completely original. The guy who sold it to me made it from separate parts from other guitars. It’s cracked and allsorts, but it’s definitely the one item I’d save."

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Find Russ on Twitter @RussTannen