The cushion making keeps on keeping on.
I had a little cushion that had seen better days so I decided to make a new cover for it in my new best friend fabric...felt! Here it is with last week's felt heart cushion.
Like most of my projects it was a tad fiddly (you think I might have learnt by now). But the thing I liked about doing this was that I had an idea and I managed to execute it! Here's a collage of the preliminaries...
First I printed out the word on a piece of A3 paper and cut the letters out. Then I traced them onto the felt and cut the template, starting off with a quick unpick before using the scissors.
I put a pretty poplin behind
...and stitched around each letter. Next word will have more straight edges!
So here's what I'm thinking...a 'range' of felt cushions called feelings...with words describing things that we've felt...get it!  I know, I know...
I'm thinking of words like: love (of course), lust (well why not!), joy, harmony, cherish...maybe even blah, blah, blah (for a laugh!)
Do you have any suggestions for me, including what I might do with these!
And of course it's not a project without the vampire slayer now is it...claws out ready to strike...nothing blissful about her.

In the only place she will sleep...completely ignoring the very expensive fur lined basket that I've now donated to a much more deserving cat!
Head on over to Kootoyoo for a bucketload of creative spaces...