This post is not really home-related, but this doll did spend some time in our house so it counts.  It is too cute not to share.  Although we don't celebrate Christmas, the wee-ones in our family do so we cave and buy gifts for them.  This year I bought a bla bla doll for my cousin.  These dolls are adorable and so delightfully soft.  Apparently kids grow really attached to them and carry them around.  I know I had a hard time saying good-bye.  But I squished it into a cookie tin and mailed it off (it was super light and thus less expensive to mail).   

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The little recipient liked her bla bla doll!

P.S. How insanely fast do kids grow up?  This was us in the summer at our grandparents' place . . . she was so toddler-like and now she's a bona fide little girl. 
