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The Most Expensive Blog (The home of World's Most Expensive and Luxury) presents America’s Most Expensive Public School.

Do you want to send your child to one of the costliest schools in the nation? It’s not a matter of tuition money—it is, after all, a public school. All you have to do is live in the right district in Los Angeles, California and you can send your child to the most expensive public school in America.
Built on the former site of the Ambassador Hotel and named after the former US Senator and Democratic presidential candidate who was assassinated in the kitchen of that building, the Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools will serve 4,200 K-12 students living in the predominantly low income and Latino neighborhoods of and around Pico Union. The complex is one of three $100-million-plus megaschools recently built in Los Angeles to unburden the city’s overcrowded public school system.
The Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools complex cost $578 million to build. Compare that to Los Angeles’ other megaschools, the Edward R. Roybal Learning Center, built for $377 million and opened in 2008, and the Visual and Performing Arts High School, built for $232 million and opened in 2009.

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