Remember this interview? She talks about her need to be different. I was a huge Gwen Stefani fan in the 90s, because I was so invested in the concept of individuality and originality. I'm really happy I didn't have a digital camera 10-15 years ago because I'd feel obliged to show you the inventive outfits I wore. (A friend may or may not have dressed up like me for Halloween). I wanted so much to be unusual and I still get a thrill when I can be a teeny tiny bit different.
Lime green car? Check. Billy Buttons are everywhere? I'll make some, thank you very much. One of a kind headboard? Of Course. I was thinking about this as I examined the accessories I added to my nightstand: both vintage (and stolen from other rooms). You can't easily duplicate anything from our bedroom except the white West Elm bedding and the lamps (which Blake McGrath has. I saw them when he was on MTV Cribs. My lamps are famous.) And I feel a little tingly about that - the being different, not the famousness of the lamps. Is that weird?
Mine. |
Is being different, original or one of a kind important to you? Is that why vintage is so hot right now?