An email last week said, ever so politely of course..."do you think you might finish my blanket sometime before winter starts mum?"...or words to that effect!
I've made the squares. Now I just have to work out what order to put them in...that's the hard bit. I did have it mapped out but I lost the piece of paper I'd written it down on :(
Pondering, pondering...
...and wondering how to join them together. I'm not sure about that either. Does anyone have an idiot proof method. I'd be more than happy to be educated.
And do I have to do this blinking blocking thing as well?? It appears so.
On matters non crochet, I'm on a slightly less complicated endeavour today...heading off to Bangalow to do Shannon Fricke's Styling 101 workshop tomorrow. Perhaps I should take these and get a few clues!
Someone else you might know is going to be there too...we'll try not to get up to too much mischief :)
Unlike the vampire slayer...who, like a typical cat refused to move from this spot so I could vacuum the rug (which was surely in dire need) so that I could then move it to its new spot under the was previously in my study, but it's undergoing a revamp. The study that is, not the rug. Or the cat.
She looks so innocent. Don't be fooled. Not for a minute.
So...can anyone help with my crochet dilemma? I'm hoping those clever people who link up over at kootoyoo on Thursdays might have a clue. But anyone will do really. For I'd hate Jess to be cold or for me to loose precious good mother brownie points by not delivering on time...even though I may have promised it for last year :)
I'll be back next week with news of styling shenanigans. Enjoy your weekends when you get to them.