Someone suggested last Tuesday that maybe I should post just one picture each reduce the pressure on me...not because ten was too many (I think!)
I thought about it...
I really did.
Would it be more or less difficult to post just one, I wondered quietly to myself?
There are pros and cons of there are for every decision...
But as I spend all my working life analysing just that...pros and cons, options and alternatives, strengths and weaknesses...and a mountain (at the moment) of other things...
I came to the conclusion that I couldn't spend the brain power required to decide just which ONE picture it should be...
So, I'm just going to continue to go with ten
...give or take :)
After all, nobody could ever accuse me of being a minimalist now could they!
Note: last pic disclaimer...Deb's dog. I'm not a dog person, but I couldn't resist...just because of the kennel makeover mind you, not because she's cute or anything!