smart phone case by kailochic - $22
owl clock by decoylab - $58

wooden eggs by indobaytextiles - $11
coin purse by kailochic - $22

calendar coin purse by MontclairMade - $30


ifts are always a challenge for me. I never know what to buy for people's birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, sweet sixteen, or anything else, for that matter! I'm terrible at it! What I think they'll love is so not what they would love! Why? Cause I usually end up buying stuff I like! So, what do I resort to time and time again? Gift cards, of course! Then, I don't know what type of gift card I should get them! Wal-Mart? Target? I-Tunes? Will they get offended if I get them a Wal-Mart one? Hmnnnn??? See? Maybe I make it more complicated than it has to be. Really. I need to get over it. I know what you're thinking. : ) It's okay. So... while browsing through Etsy today, I thought these would all make cute gifts, eh? Perhaps? For a gal, of course! Don't know many guys who'd go crazy over a coin purse or the little, adorable owl clock! But, I know plenty of gals who'd love it! Um... ME!! Duh! : ) Hope you enjoyed today's picks!

Happy Decorating!