ans are an awesome decorative piece. They're also useful, which makes them doubly awesome! I've had them around our home for a long time and they always come in handy. Especially around here! Florida summers can be pretty brutal, so we use them quite often! Scour flea markets or vintage boutiques for these beauties. Just make sure they've been re-wired. They look terrific in a boho/mid-century decor! Try one! : ) Hopefully everyone's Monday has been exceptionally amazing. : ) I'm back to work from my Spring Break. I had a good break! Unfortunately, I spent it sick with a terrible cold! I can't seem to shake it off! Ugh! Obnoxious. But, I'm trying to stay positive. My state of mind is half the battle. Go away cold!! Hopefully it'll work! ; )
Happy Decorating!
P.S. Don't forget to leave a comment on yesterday's giveaway post for a chance to win Rosenberry Room's cute mobile!! I will choose a winner on Wednesday. Good luck!!