o I totally love industrial vintage?? Why yes I do! Nothing gets me as giddy as a school girl as does walking into a vintage boutique and seeing some industrial vin.
L-O-V-E! : ) It's cool, sleek, functional, awesome, amazing, wonderful, fabulous, etc! It looks great in a boho-vin decor, mid-century decor, a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room and yes... even a nursery! Gasp! I can hear my mother now... "A nursery? Um... I'd spray it with Lysol and get it real clean if I were you. A nursery? Are you sure about that? I don't know about that." Yes ma!!! : ) Speaking of nurseries (no worries... I'm not designing one or anything), make sure you enter our Rosenberry Rooms giveaway of the nursery mobile!! It could be yours! I'm choosing a winner tomorrow evening! So don't miss out! Look below for that post. It's the March 20th blog post. Okay... I hope you enjoyed today's picks! I'm going to go and attempt to get better now. Still sick with whatever this evil cold is. : ( Good night!
Happy Decorating!