Today is the Bloggers Day of Silence. It was organized to encourage support for Japan's relief effort. So, please donate whatever you can to help. I have been struggling with blogging this week, because writing about design feels so irrelevant right now. Obviously, I am not the only blogger who feels this way. There are times to think of much higher things, like the love of humanity.
I would ask something else of everyone reading this. Please use the time you would normally spend reading this, or any other blog; on sincere prayer for Japan. Please pray for mercy and protection from the chaos that has been unleashed there.
Also, I would hope that this time reminds ALL of us to love our own family and friends a little more. Today, lets hug our kids a little tighter, call and chat with distant relatives, and smile at our neighbors. Reflect on things that are truly important to you. We've seen this past week, that material things are so fleeting. What do you want your life to really be about? Whatever it is, don't hesitate anymore!