he kitchen is my favorite space in our house. No... not because I love to cook. Goodness knows my poor husband could attest to that! But, because I love to decorate it! Yes... decorate it! It makes me feel... domestic. : ) I know... how lame-o am I, right?! : ) My favorite decor element in the kitchen? Well... thank you for asking! I'll tell you! Linens! Anything from aprons hanging on a hook on the wall to adorable kitchen towels hanging off of our stove's handle. See picture below of our current set up ...
See? Fun! So, I hope you like the picks from Anthropologie above. Their prices range anywhere from $16- $18 or so. So have fun choosing some dish towels!!
So... now... on to our winner of the Rosenberry Rooms nursery mobile!!! Our winner is Lynda! Contact me at bohemianvintage@live.com with your contact information Lynda! Congratulations!
Happy Decorating!