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The guestroom has a new addition: the vintage teak chair with new upholstery.  It seems picking the fabric was the hard part (see here and here).  The fabric was ordered, and the chair was professionally, recovered within a week.  Yes, I had the chair professionally recovered.  I'd be ashamed if I wasn't so darn excited.  But a good DIY-er knows when they are over their head (take a look at the close ups).  Plus, we have sooooo many projects in the townhouse, if this were left in our hands it might not see the light of day for years (that's actually how I got it: another DIY gal realized she'd never get around to tackling it, and sold it to me!).

So, remember the guestroom?  Here's a memory booster:

Remember the IKEA chair?  You couldn't escape it, it could be seen from the hallway.  Well, now we see something much prettier each day.

Ta da!

The IKEA chair is off to a better place: the basement, for now.  Which is slowly filling up with chairs.  Seriously, there are now 2 kitchen chairs, 2 random chairs, 1 office chair, and now this chair.  Plus a stool.
