By some random twist of fate, we have a number of red kitchen accents: a red le creuset kettle, a red coral bowl and, recently, some red printed linens. Other than the linens, the other elements were kind of accidental. The only other colour goin' on right now is black & white (although the contents of the cupboards are really colourful:
lots of turquiose). In any case, I've been looking for inspirational pictures, demonstrating how to integrate the colour red. Especially with the pinks, pale yellows and turquoise in the adjacent dining room and living room. Well, here's a good start:
Our kitchen:
Our kitchen - be sure to check out the "before" |
Our kitchen |
Our kitchen |
See more kitchen pics, including the before,
So, I'm thinking some artwork drawing together the turquoise and red would look nice. Or perhaps some pale blue, à la the inspirational photos? Because we
just re-finished the cabinets, I won't be painting them like in the photos I like, but I do need to incorporate a bit more colour.
Send your suggestions my way!