The Most Expensive Kitchen Range in the World!

If you want to get the most out of your kitchen range, and aren’t afraid to spend a lot of money, La Cornue’s Grand Palais 180 is the range for you. It’s the most expensive kitchen range in the world and it has the features to justify the cost.

The range features an electric and a gas oven, both vaulted, as well as two large hot plates and four large brass burners in the stainless steel top. That’s only the standard configuration, however, as La Cornue will gladly produce a custom Grand Palais with additional electric or gas ovens, burners or hot plates in place of features you think you’d be less likely to use. Other options include a lava rock, a teppanyaki grill or an induction plate.

This expensive range is available in sixteen different colors of porcelain enamel and each is assembled by hand. The La Cornue Grand Palais 180 is priced at roughly $48,000.

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