It appears the dishcloth jury is still out. I'm not sure if I'm going to be put away for having OCD (I'm pretty sure I don't!) or overwhelmed with orders!! One thing is for certain...there should be no breath holding while waiting around for me to knit a heap of them!
So it's on to this week's top ten according to 'OCD me'...can you tell that I'm pouting about that comment...honestly..what were you two thinking!?! Now where are the knitting needles, where are the knitting needles, where are the knitting needles :) 
One thing is clear...I'm not into minimalism...
Oh...and guess what? In bold because I don't want you to miss this bit of excitement...

...apart from the fact I'm clearly obsessed with pink...eek...maybe it IS OCD!
I'm going to Brisbane today for work...and when that's done...I'm meeting Kerri with an 'i' from cannot believe how excited I am...
Now...where was I? OCD indeed...
by anci at the lighthouse
by Mary at Little Red House
Could that be pink again?

Red, not pink...
And here's some lovely turquoise to finish off...
See you 'ron bloggy peeps...I'll be sure to say hi to Kerri for you. She'll be able to recognise me. I'll be wearing a pink skirt...I kid you not!! :)
