Vintage Handpainted Tray by Bohemian Vintage - $8

Psychadelic Tray by Sweetshorn - $22

Floral Tray by VintageCarliss - $16

Blue Floral Tray by AvantGarage - $24
arties are one of my favorite activities. I love them. Not the wild and crazy ones with kegs and bongs... but the well thought out ones with beautiful linens, china, food, people, music... etc... What better way to bring color into a party scene than these beautiful trays I found on etsy? They don't have to be only for a party. I've seen them on walls as art work as well. Or how about laying one of these on your foyer table to store your keys and trinkets? Whatever you choose to do with them, they're a great buy. I hope you enjoyed these etsy finds! Sorry for the late post... I was pretty sick all day. Boo hoo. : ( But, I'm slowly starting to feel better. Until tomorrow kids!
Happy Decorating!