Simona a fashion designer and swimmer, lives in a cute, little flat, just off Broadway Market, near London Fields. Her room is like a trinket box of old school glamour, a quality instilled by her Grandmother as a child back in Sicily. And, I love the fact that she has a surfboard on her wall - what more could WIYB ask for.
I asked Simona… “ If your bedroom was on fire, what one item would you save?”…
Simona – I would save my Grandmothers engagement ring. It is diamond and white gold, the cut of the diamond is extremely rare. I was obsessed with it as a child. Every time I saw my Grandmother I would ask if I could wear it. All my family knew how much I loved it and that’s why it was left to me. And, that’s why I keep it by the bed, so if anything happens, I can quickly grab it and go.