Katy is a Press Officer for The Dogs Trust and first appeared on the blog back in January 2010 - see her previous bedroom here. She has been in her fresh, new abode, for just two weeks, and in those two weeks she has got it looking good. - in a similar vein to her last place, displaying a host of curios. Katy says, "I like bits" and I like rooms with lots of bits, but that's because I'm a bits girl myself. I like things that express a memory, things that you pick-up along the way.
When I asked Katy what she'd save if her bedroom were on fire, she said, "Bob, my dog cushion. My great grandfather's leather suitcase in which I'd put my mum's engagement ring and a wicked 70's gold and black maxi dress, that I have only worn out once but I often just waft round the house as it makes me feel super glam!"

See more of Katy - click on Bed Heads and scroll down
Find Katy on Twitter @pforpapa
