Karim Rashid’s Modness

I stumbled into pics of Karim’s work as I was researching Colorful Happy Modern Design, and found a kindred spirit.

In an interview, he admitted he was inspired by Mod, and that seems a big influence in his design, judging from the pictures that follow. What I see here are cool, organic shapes, soft edges, bright soft colors, and a heavy dose of Jetsonian futurism, which I love.

Wikipedia says he was born in Cairo, Egypt of Egyptian and English parents and graduated from Carleton University in Canada with a degree in Industrial Design.

You will often see him in his trademark pink and white suit, colors which he appears to favor in the Sustainable Home he completed for DuPont (see my pics below) that feature a new Corian building material. He has seen over 3000 of his designs put into production and has work in permanent collections in 14 museums including MOMA, SF MOMO, and the Pompidou in Paris. Living the dream, baby!

Hope you enjoy!
Shine on! Braxton

Hi Karim, Fantastic Work!
