I've been meaning to post this vintage bathroom advertisement (see it after the beautiful Betty White) and I'm glad I forgot waited because it is totally making me smile.  I watched the sappy Hallmark movie tonight, now I need something cheery.  (I'm so embarassed I cried-and it made my cold symptoms worse, to boot!).

I'm fascinated by coloured bathroom fixtures.  My grandma has a 1960s pink bathroom that I heart.  We had a pink bathroom originally too, but it wasn't good pink (click here to see).  We also had a yellow half bath (see here) which was equally bad.  Both are gone.  But if we ever have a home with a cutie coloured bathroom, then it is staying.

How adorable is this vintage ad?  Who else is a fan of coloured fixtures??


P.S. Thanks to everyone for wishing I get over this cold soon!