Don't the months go by quickly? August already. I had a most excellent weekend doing masses of reading (go to my book list page and read about the two books I finished this feels like old know, before blogging began when all we did was read...or is that just me!)
I got the last of that pesky honeysuckle out of the garden bed and planted another rose. Floribunda Apricot Nectar. I don't do red roses, sorry to anyone who loves them.
Went to a rug sale and bought two persian rugs...well, one is Persian, the other from Pakistan...and guess what? Pink!  I will reveal them when the bedroom is finally finished...hopefully in a few weeks. But they are pretty delicious.
These gorgeous pictures really don't deserve the label of leftovers do they? But with so much to choose from...some just have to miss out on the first run through.
And best of all this weekend...I picked up a paintbrush (or three) for the first time in I can't remember how long. If I can get it to a presentable stage by tomorrow I'll be sure to show you. 

But it may take me a little longer than I spent far too much time yesterday shopping! What I can tell you that I'm painting this photo taken by Chania from Razmataz (with her permission of course). I think it's coming along ok...although a tad trickier than I thought!
Have a great week bloggy peeps.
images are from these blogs (in alphabetical order)..go and check out the ones you don't know.
a perfect gray;a punch of color; a room for everyone; apartment therapy; brabourne farmcolour me happy; count it all joy; design sponge; desire to inspire; driftwood interiors; from the right bank; house of turquoise; la maison boheme; my favourite and my best; slumber designs; the city sage; the diversion project; three men and a lady; tracery interiors; vt interiors
