W hile browsing blogs one quiet afternoon, I stumbled upon Dottie Angel, a blog authored by a fantastic crafter & mother of four, Tif. I seriously felt like an excited 7 year old in the Barbie isle at the toy store. Her blog has the most beautiful photographs and her Flickr page has even more pics to drool over. You've got to check them out! What attracted me to the pictures of her home, is that I finally found someone who decorates in the two styles that I fawn over and write about every week... mid-century mixed in with a bohemian flair. Love it! I always felt a bit schizophrenic liking these two styles ( I mean... mid-century advocates clean lines and minimalism... while bohemian decor is all about 1960s and 70s fabric, crochet items, quirky owls and such). So, to see Tif's style marry the two styles so beautifully has really infused my spirit with inspiration. : ) All I want to do now is clean up my house from head to toe, decorate the heck out of it and snap a thousand pictures. Of course, since we're not in our "real" home yet, I can't quite do that. Bummer. : ( Someday! Someday! : ) For now, I can at least decorate my shop. Most of my customers will tell you that walking into my shop feels like they're walking into someone's apartment... "really cute and awesome apartment, that is." : ) So, I guess that's where I actually practice what I preach. Home? Not so much. Simply because it's not "home" just yet. The hubby is working on it. You can actually track the progress here. Okay... there I go rambling again. Anywho, I wanted to thank Tif for letting me use her images for this post and for being such a fabulous inspiration to decorators and crafters around the bloggy blog world! : ) She's also got a challenge for all of you... shop only handcrafted and second hand for one year... check it out on her blog and join in the challenge! You can do it! Until tomorrow all!
Happy Decorating!

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