F unny... I LOVE mid-century alarm clocks, but I can't EVER seem to be on time to things. It's an awful flaw, but hopefully my charm makes up for it. ; ) Or... not. Either way, I cannot say enough good things about mid-century alarm clocks. They came in all different shapes and colors. Pieces of functional art! Can't beat it! Whether you are using one on your nightstand to actually get up in the morning or you are creating a nice little collection for yourself, these babies are sure to please. How gorgeous would they look as a collection in all different colors? Very retro delish! Three of the five I posted pictures of above are actually available for sale. If you click on the picture it should take you to where you can purchase it. If not, then it's already sold. : ( Sorry kiddies! Well... I must go. I'm sure I'm probably late for something....

Happy Decorating!

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